How to Use a Crypto Screener
Crypto screeners are a great tool for investors who want to quickly sort through the thousands of different cryptocurrencies out there. These tools help investors to narrow down their search by coin, and give them easy access to charts displaying multiple aspects of the coin. In addition to providing a broad overview of a coin’s performance, these programs also provide information on a specific coin’s price, market cap, and volume.
Depending on your needs, a screener can help you find profitable opportunities to trade. The software will scan different coins and identify sudden volume spikes on listed exchanges. It will also send you telegram alerts so you can keep up with the latest trends. A screener is not free, but most offer a free version that lets you analyze cryptocurrencies on a daily basis.
Another excellent option is CoinMarketCap, which gives you a price-volume graph. It also displays market capitalization, volume, and distribution of cryptocurrencies. It is a great way to keep track of the performance of specific cryptocurrencies. CoinMarketCap also provides detailed information about the technology behind popular coins. In addition, many users are unaware of the advanced screening tools available on this platform. You can sort by algorithm, industry, or price.
Another great tool is Coinmarketcap, which has a well-rounded user interface and a simple interface. With Coinmarketcap, you can sort coins according to their circulating supply, market cap, and volume. Its comprehensive database of coins includes more than 16,000 cryptocurrencies. The app can also give you a general idea of which coins are trending and which are not.
Another great feature of crypto screeners is that they can identify new coins and tokens. This is especially useful for active traders who want to identify short-term positions. With a crypto screener, you can easily analyze several different cryptos in just a few minutes. By narrowing down your choices, you can easily spot the ones that are not meeting your expectations. They can even help you find the best exchanges for your trading goals.
Another feature of a cryptocurrency screener is the ability to see historical prices and volume, so you can compare them to other cryptocurrencies. The technical aspects of each cryptocurrency are also presented in the technical section. For example, you can see how much each cryptocurrency has changed over the last three months. The charts also show the volatility and momentum of cryptocurrencies. You can easily filter the list by market capitalization, diluted market cap, and volume. You can even see a heatmap that shows which ones have underperformed in the past few months.
Some crypto screeners also alert you to new projects, which is useful if you’re looking to make a smart investment in a promising new project. In addition, some screeners use artificial intelligence to identify charting patterns. This can help you optimize your trading strategy and avoid falling victim to FOMO, which can lead to a crashing investment.